Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I just had to get that out of my system.  Ever notice those people on Facebook that love to proclaim their speed typing supremacy on postings?  That's not me, but I thought I'd seize the moment regardless.

This blog is an attempt to do something productive with the seemingly copious amounts of free time I possess.  Recently I discovered a book that fascinated and compelled me to undergo the tedious task of watching the 1001 movies that everyone should see before they die.  In reality the list is 1080 movies using the updated 2009 edition.  While I know your probably thinking that this task is (1) completely useless and (2) potentially easy; after starting this movie watching extravaganza I would have to agree on the first point.  Useless as it may be, it is most certainly not easy.

While trying to determine how much of a commitment I was getting myself into I found out that I had only seen 156 of the 1080 movies I had tasked myself to watch.  Figuring I could maybe watch 2 of these movies a week  it would still take me 9 years to finish.  So here I am, a few weeks into this list with 173 movies under my belt and a dear friend suggested I share this experience with everyone.  Call it my own personal Julie & Julia if you must, I don't mind.

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