Friday, February 25, 2011

AMC Theatre Best Picture Showcase Part Deux

Well tomorrow begins the second day of the best picture showcase and I can't be more excited, especially after the week I've had. My only hope is that I'll be able to stay awake for the 12 hours of movies ahead of me. Tomorrows list is as follows:

1. Winter's Bone
2. Black Swan
3. Inception
4. Social Network
5. The King's Speech

I've already seen 3 of these, but can honestly say I am looking forward to watching them again. Hopefully my mobile blogging will go more smoothly than last week. I actually took the time to download the Blogger app to my Droid Incredible. I hope to be able to post pictures of the "swag" we get for watching this showcase and maybe I'll win a t-shirt through some trivia like I did last year...who knows.

If anyone in the St. Louis area wants to go I imagine there are still plenty of tickets available at the AMC Chesterfield. Maybe I'll see someone there?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Five Easy Pieces (1970)

I know I said I was going to watch Seven Brides for Seven Brothers next, but Netflix had another idea.  Five Easy Pieces was next to leave my instant queue so I figured I better watch it before it leaves.  This movie is certainly an interesting choice for the 1001 movie list.

I'm not entirely sure I feel that Five Easy Pieces should be on this list.  The movie was described as a character study that essentially takes a look at a gentleman (Jack Nicholson) that has abandoned what could have been a promising career as a concert pianist to work on an oil rig.  He is then drawn back home when his father has a stroke and the uncomfortable situations ensue from there.  While the premise and story of the movie are very good, there was nothing that seemed to stand out to me that would discern this as being worthy of the 1001 movie list.  The only seemingly interesting, heartbreaking and all together appalling moment comes in that last 5 minutes of the film.  The performance of Jack Nicholson as Robert Dupea is good, but I can think of a few Nicholson roles that stand out more than this in my opinion (see One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and The Shining).  Scenes that jump out to me are the lunch scene where Robert comes to his then girlfriend, Rayette's defense in front of his family and the breakdown of Dupea in front of his father, reflecting on the failures of his own life.

See this for yourself and leave a comment below.  I would be very interested in hearing what others would have to say about this movie.

image accessed on 2/22/2011 from:

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Let me apologize to anyone that may be reading my blog for the gibberish that was posted yesterday.  Apparently I don't have the kinks quite worked out for mobile blogging...all in due time I suppose.

As some of you may remember, yesterday was the start of the AMC Best Picture Showcase.  Although I am a little tired today and can't seem to stop talking about what I've seen, I figured I should share here.

My favorite so far would have to be a tie between 127 Hours and The Fighter.  As far as camera work is concerned 127 Hours takes the cake.  The interesting views from inside a Nalgene and Camelbak are cleverly done and the acting by James Franco is phenomenal.  I can't imagine how an actor can illicit such emotion in that situation. Wherever this was filmed I want to go.  It's absolutely beautiful.

The Fighter will blow your socks off.  If Christian Bale doesn't win for Best Supporting Actor then I will be extremely disappointed.  The story is one of heartbreak and of hope and overcoming a family's drama and problems. 

If you haven't seen Toy Story 3 then run down to your local Family Video and rent a copy.  Pixar is in excellent form with this movie and makes everyone one of us adults want to pull out our old toys and give them some love.  Mine in particular would have to be Teddy Ruxpin.  Anyone remember that cassette playing bear?

True Grit...I have to admit that I was extremely apprehensive to see this movie.  I love the original and almost felt like it was a slap in the face to John Wayne.  HOWEVER, I retract that previous opinion.  After seeing this it reminded me how great of an actor Jeff Bridges can be. It would be a sad disservice if I didn't mention how great Hailee Steinfeld was as Mattie Ross.  I hope she wins Best Supporting Actress as the sassy, steadfast girl avenging her fathers death.

The Kids are All Right is another great example of how an excellent story and superb acting by 2 of Hollywood's leading ladies can lead to a Best Picture nomination.  Annette Bening has always been one of my favorite actresses and she doesn't disappoint. 

That's all for now really.  Next weekend the lineup is exceptional and I will be posting that list as we get closer to the 26th.  As of right now I will be going to watch Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I'm a sucker for a musical so I imagine I'll have good things to write about this 1001 movie.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend! Talk soon!

Friday, February 18, 2011

AMC Theatres Oscar Best Picture Showcase

Yes, I know this isn't related to 1001 movie list technically, but I am more than excited to attend this tomorrow.  AMC Theatres across the country will be playing this years nominees for Best Picture over 2 Saturdays with 5 each day back to back. The list for tomorrow is as follows:

  1. Toy Story 3
  2. 127 Hours
  3. The Kids are All Right
  4. True Grit
  5. The Fighter
I'll be giving my run down of each movie as I watch them tomorrow. Here is the link for more information on the Best Picture Showcase with a list of participating theatres.  Maybe I'll see someone I know at the Chesterfield, Missouri AMC?

AMC Best Picture Showcase

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)

I have quite a bit of back blogging to do so bear with me while I catch everyone up to date on the latest films I've seen.  The most recent of which is Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

I was completely surprised by this movie.  I have never been a fan of western movies, but the dialogue between Paul Newman and Robert Redford is hilarious.  I especially enjoyed the soundtrack which is most akin to A Knight's Tale with Heath Ledger in that none of the music is from that specific period.  This is most deserving of being on the 1001 movie list and I am a bit ashamed that it's taken me this long to finally watch this fantastic film.


I just had to get that out of my system.  Ever notice those people on Facebook that love to proclaim their speed typing supremacy on postings?  That's not me, but I thought I'd seize the moment regardless.

This blog is an attempt to do something productive with the seemingly copious amounts of free time I possess.  Recently I discovered a book that fascinated and compelled me to undergo the tedious task of watching the 1001 movies that everyone should see before they die.  In reality the list is 1080 movies using the updated 2009 edition.  While I know your probably thinking that this task is (1) completely useless and (2) potentially easy; after starting this movie watching extravaganza I would have to agree on the first point.  Useless as it may be, it is most certainly not easy.

While trying to determine how much of a commitment I was getting myself into I found out that I had only seen 156 of the 1080 movies I had tasked myself to watch.  Figuring I could maybe watch 2 of these movies a week  it would still take me 9 years to finish.  So here I am, a few weeks into this list with 173 movies under my belt and a dear friend suggested I share this experience with everyone.  Call it my own personal Julie & Julia if you must, I don't mind.